Saturday, August 16, 2008

More Family Fun!

It was another fabulous morning at Forsyth today, this time with Wes and Wyatt (you remember them right? If not, scroll down a bit and then come back...I'll wait :)) and their maternal extended family. We had SO much fun! Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt and Uncles all came down from South Carolina for pictures so they wouldn't have to drive as far. As it is with many families Grandma and Grandpa are about to have an empty nest and wanted one last family photo before everyone went off to college/missions/military/husband & babies. Ana has three brothers and one sister, and as you can tell from these pictures, they are a hoot! I had a blast with them, especially playing out on the playground. As you can tell, I had a hard time narrowing down my favorites for the blog, they were all so good! A special "Thanks!" to Brendon who had to have some late senior portraits done as well; that's what happens when you don't take them with the rest of your class. He graduated this past June and leaves soon for the Marine Corps. My thanks to the whole family for giving me such a fantastic start to the day!

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